Corporate HR

Talentobe Manager: People Analytics That Work for Your Business.
See the Plans & Price

Transform your talent life cycle with data.

Interviews & Hiring Logo - Talentoday

Interviews & Hiring

Boost interview effectiveness and talent selection results with science-based soft skills data.

Onboarding & Productivity - Talentoday

Onboarding & Productivity

Get new hires and teams to higher levels of productivity and engagement by understanding how they thrive.

Development & Training - Talentoday

Development & Training

Use data to identify employee strengths and provide training and mentoring that fosters elite performance.

Engagement & Retention Icon - Talentoday

Engagement & Retention

Engage employees at a deeper level and build a culture of understanding and supporting team values.

Professional woman with orange glasses smiling and working on her computer

Build Great Teams. Do Great Things.

“From personality styles to motivators, the MyPrint collaboration report has helped our new hires cultivate strong team relationships, leading to higher levels of engagement, retention, and success in their new roles.”
Megan Steiger
VP of Human Resources
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Match Candidates to Jobs Using Science

  • Align candidates with jobs by personality, motivations and behaviors.
  • Use predictive analytics to map careers beyond the first placement.
  • Find the right match faster with more efficient interviews.

Hiring managers and recruiters have a powerful talent targeting and job matching tool with Talentobe Manager. It's simple for candidates to use, while providing a sophisticated profile of potential hires.

Want Data You Can Act On? We've Got You Covered.

  • Predictive behaviors & motivation scale
  • Unique interview questions for each candidate
  • Candidate percentage match to a role
  • Top traits analysis
  • Leadership potential
  • Personality radar

Coach Employees with Data-driven Insights

  • Understand the human dynamics that shape performance.
  • Learn which factors influence employee engagement.
  • Personalize coaching strategies to individual traits and skills.

The People Powers Your Managers Gain with Talentobe:

  • Identifying the right roles and people for them
  • Knowing the most effective way to develop talent
  • Proactively addressing personality conflicts
  • Optimizing & streamlining onboarding
  • Improving employee engagement
  • Making internal mobility your brand’s superpower

A Winning Team is Built and Boosted with Good Data

Talentobe is helping businesses worldwide build stronger, more collaborative and effective teams with data. Use our analytics to transform and elevate group performance across your business.
Key Behavioral Style Data - Talentoday