HR & Coaching Firms

Leverage the Transformative Insights of People Analytics.
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Elevate your offering with soft skills intelligence.

Recruiting Efficiency - Talentoday

Recruiting Efficiency

Focus on the right candidates and opportunities

Person and three stars icon

Candidate/Client Experiences

Improve talent engagement and support with data

Targeted Coaching & Training Icon - Talentoday

Targeted Coaching & Training

Customize training to candidate and/or team profiles

Scale & Grow Icon - Talentoday

Scale & Grow

Integrate soft skills analytics into your offering and embrace growth

A professional woman smiles and sits at a desk in a modern office

Differentiate your business with data.

“Talentobe is an innovative HR business analytics solution that combines both Big Data and soft-skills analysis that enables the HR department to make the best decision for selection, recruitment, and human capital management. Talentobe Manager is the fastest and most reliable diagnostic instrument to enhance and maximize teams' productivity and improve engagement.”
Fiorella Pallas, CEO
Coach and Consultant
Shine Your Talent
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Gain Talent Knowledge
Improve Talent Outcomes

  • Use a science-based, analytical approach for candidate & career evaluation.
  • Enrich your offerings with detailed analytic reports and candidate profiles.
  • Optimize your soft skills expertise with data.

Talentobe helps HR firms and coaches stand out in a heavily competitive market. From making stronger placements to customizing coaching programs, Talentobe data elevates your insight and your outcomes.

Want Data You Can Act On? We've Got You Covered.

  • Predictive behaviors & motivation scale
  • Unique interview questions for each candidate
  • Candidate percentage match to a role
  • Top traits analysis
  • Leadership potential
  • Personality radar

Two co-workers in a modern office look at a large computer monitor

Build Science-based, Data-backed Coaching & Training Programs

  • Understand the human dynamics that shape performance.
  • Learn which factors influence employee engagement.
  • Personalize coaching strategies to individual traits and skills.

The Powers You Gain with Talentobe People Analytics:

  • Comprehensive soft skills understanding
  • Elevated job-to-candidate matching capabilities
  • Personality, motivation & behavior expertise
  • Accelerated talent screening and placement

Optimize Your Offering with Data.

With Talentobe, you can infuse science-driven soft skills expertise into your evaluations, recommendations and services. Ready to take your business to the next level?